For FPC3.x.x to work correctly we need to patch koldef.inc in the following manner: {$DEFINE PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF VER2} {$DEFINE _D3orHigher} {$DEFINE _D4orHigher} {$DEFINE _D5orHigher} {$DEFINE _D6orHigher} {$DEFINE _D7} {$DEFINE _D7orHigher} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER3} // I should clean this up later. {$DEFINE VER2} {$DEFINE _D3orHigher} {$DEFINE _D4orHigher} {$DEFINE _D5orHigher} {$DEFINE _D6orHigher} {$DEFINE _D7} {$DEFINE _D7orHigher} {$DEFINE _D2005orHigher} {$DEFINE _D2006orHigher} {$DEFINE _D2007orHigher} {$ENDIF}
i scary, needs to change much more (in code), not defines only ^_^
Nope. Works as advertised ;) Just for 64 bit I needed to change a bit more, but my 64bit KOL is out of sync.