I downloaded a snapshot (Tree [r150]) from
http://sourceforge.net/p/kolmck/code/HEAD/tree/In Embarcadero® Delphi XE7 Windows 8.1 (Version 6.3, Build 9600, 64-bit Edition) I opened KOLMCKXE7.dpk
Menu -> Project -> Build All Projects
Everything builds with a lot of warnings, mostly:
[dcc32 Warning] mckCtrlDraw.pas(44): W1000 Symbol 'ThemeServices' is deprecated: 'Use StyleServices'
[dcc32 Warning] mckCtrlDraw.pas(44): W1000 Symbol 'ThemeServices' is deprecated: 'Use StyleServices'
Then installing the package.
Successful message:
Package C:\..\Embarcadero\Studio\15.0\Bpl\KOLMCKXE7.bpl has been installed.
The following new component(s) have been registered: TKOLActionList, TKOLApplet, TKOLBitBtn, TKOLButton, TKOLCheckBox, TKOLColorDialog, TKOLComboBox, TKOLDataModule, TKOLDateTimePicker, TKOLEditBox, TKOLForm, TKOLFrame, TKOLGradientPanel, TKOLGroupBox, TKOLImageList, TKOLImageShow, TKOLLabel, TKOLLabelEffect, TKOLListBox, TKOLListView, TKOLMainMenu, TKOLMDIChild, TKOLMDIClient, TKOLMemo, TKOLOpenDirDialog, TKOLOpenSaveDialog, TKOLPaintBox, TKOLPanel, TKOLPopupMenu, TKOLProgressBar, TKOLProject, TKOLRadioBox, TKOLRichEdit, TKOLScrollBar, TKOLScrollBox, TKOLSplitter, TKOLTabControl, TKOLTabPage, TKOLThread, TKOLTimer, TKOLToolbar, TKOLTrayIcon, TKOLTreeView.
After that File -> New -> Other...
Delphi Projects -> Wizards -> New KOL-MCK Project
Then Run [F9]
It stops on a compiling error:
[dcc32 Fatal Error] koltest.dpr(8): F1026 File not found: 'C:\Users\Witt\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\koltest\DesignConst.dcu'
Any suggestion as of how I can have KOL-MCK compile with Delphi XE7?
<--- Bård