Если в конце перед Run(LupeForm) добавить
hReg1:= CreateEllipticRgn(0, 0, Diametre, Diametre); LupeForm.HasBorder := False; SetWindowRgn(LupeForm.GetWindowHandle , hReg1, TRUE); То окно становиться круглым, и ничего не тормозит.
program Lupe;
uses Windows, KOL, messages;
var LupeForm: PControl; Diametre: Integer; StartPos: TPoint; Moving: Boolean; DC:hDC; BgScrBt: PBitmap; hReg1: HRgn;
procedure ScreenCopy(); var W,H: integer; begin W:= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); H:= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); BgScrBt := NewBitmap( W, H ); BitBlt(BgScrBt.canvas.Handle, 0,0, W, H, GetDC(0), 0, 0, SRCCOPY); end;
function LupeWndProc(Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var pt: TPoint; begin Result:=False; case Msg.message of WM_CREATE: begin ScreenCopy; DC:=GetDC(LupeForm.Handle); end; WM_LBUTTONDOWN: begin GetCursorPos(pt); Moving:=True; Sender.Caption:='Moving'; StartPos.X:=pt.x-Sender.Left; StartPos.Y:=pt.Y-Sender.Top; SetCapture(Sender.Handle); end; WM_LBUTTONUP: begin Moving:=False; Sender.Caption:='Lupe'; ReleaseCapture(); end; WM_MOUSEMOVE: if Moving then begin GetCursorPos(pt); SetWindowPos(Sender.Handle,0, pt.X-StartPos.X, pt.Y-StartPos.Y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE {or SWP_NOREDRAW}); end; WM_ERASEBKGND: begin StretchBlt(DC, 0, 0, Sender.Width, Sender.Height, BgScrBt.Canvas.Handle, Sender.Left, Sender.Top, Sender.Width div 2, Sender.Width div 2, SRCCOPY); Result:=True; end; WM_PAINT: begin Result:=True; end; end; end;
begin Diametre:=300; LupeForm:=NewForm(Applet, 'Lupe').Size(Diametre, Diametre); LupeForm.AttachProc(@LupeWndProc); hReg1:= CreateEllipticRgn(0, 0, Diametre, Diametre); LupeForm.HasBorder := False; // Скрываем бордюр SetWindowRgn(LupeForm.GetWindowHandle , hReg1, TRUE); Run(LupeForm); end.
Браузер глючит, не обновлял страницу. Удалить бы 2 поста перед предыдущим
Neat, but it doesn't support multimonitors. try this instead ;)
procedure ScreenCopy();
var W,H: integer;
BgScrBt := NewBitmap( W, H );
BitBlt(BgScrBt.canvas.Handle, 0,0, W, H, GetDC(0), 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
You may also want to do something like this:
If (sender.left < 0) or (sender.Top < 0) then
FillRect(DC,MakeRect(0,0,Sender.Width+sender.left, Sender.Height+Sender.Top), GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
StretchBlt(DC, 0, 0, Sender.Width, Sender.Height, BgScrBt.Canvas.Handle, Sender.Left, Sender.Top, Sender.Width div 2, Sender.Width div 2, SRCCOPY);
I will look into a neat way to solve minimizing/maximizing applications and have proper restore. (combinergn stuff)
На счет черных границ, получается двойной вывод, и проглядываются тормоза. На самом деле это не обязательно, ведь я не посчитал offset и увеличиваемый фрагмент у меня берется от угла формы, а надо высчитать, что бы он был по центру лупы.
А вот так можно реализовать прозрачность софтварно, без использования средств операционной системы.
program Lupe;
uses Windows, KOL, messages;
type TBig = array[0..0] of Integer;
var LupeForm: PControl; Diametre: Integer; StartPos: TPoint; Moving: Boolean; DC, BmpDC:hDC; BgScrBt, BgBmp: PBitmap; hReg1: HRgn; BgBmpPointer: Pointer;
function GetDIBPointer(BitMap: PBitmap):Pointer; var BInfo: TBitmapInfo; begin BInfo.bmiHeader.biSize := sizeof(BitmapInfo); BInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth := BitMap.Width; BInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight := -BitMap.Height; BInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1; BInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 32; BInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB; BitMap.Handle:=CreateDIBSection(BitMap.Handle, BInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, Result, 0, 0); end;
procedure ScreenCopy(); var W,H: integer; begin W:= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); H:= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); BgScrBt := NewBitmap( W, H ); BitBlt(BgScrBt.canvas.Handle, 0,0, W, H, GetDC(0), 0, 0, SRCCOPY); BgBmp:= NewBitmap(Diametre, Diametre); BgBmpPointer := GetDIBPointer(BgBmp); end;
function LupeWndProc(Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var pt: TPoint; R: TRect; x,y: integer; begin Result:=False; case Msg.message of WM_CREATE: begin ScreenCopy; DC:=GetDC(LupeForm.Handle); end; WM_LBUTTONDOWN: begin GetCursorPos(pt); Moving:=True; Sender.Caption:='Moving'; StartPos.X:=pt.x-Sender.Left; StartPos.Y:=pt.Y-Sender.Top; SetCapture(Sender.Handle); end; WM_LBUTTONUP: begin Moving:=False; Sender.Caption:='Lupe'; ReleaseCapture(); end; WM_MOUSEMOVE: if Moving then begin GetCursorPos(pt); SetWindowPos(Sender.Handle,0, pt.X-StartPos.X, pt.Y-StartPos.Y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE {or SWP_NOREDRAW}); end; WM_ERASEBKGND: begin //StretchBlt(BgBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Diametre, Diametre, BgScrBt.Canvas.Handle, Sender.Left, Sender.Top, Diametre div 2, Diametre div 2, SRCCOPY); BitBlt(BgBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0,0, Sender.Width, Sender.Height, BgScrBt.Canvas.Handle, Sender.Left, Sender.Top, SRCCOPY); for y:=0 to Diametre -1 do for x:=0 to Diametre -1 do begin TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x + y * Diametre] := RGB(GetRValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x + y * Diametre]) div 2,GetGValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x + y * Diametre]) div 2,GetBValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x + y * Diametre]) div 2); end; BitBlt(DC, 0,0, Sender.Width, Sender.Height, BgBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); Result:=True; end; WM_PAINT: begin Result:=True; end; end; end;
begin Diametre:=300; LupeForm:=NewForm(Applet, 'Lupe').Size(Diametre, Diametre); LupeForm.AttachProc(@LupeWndProc); hReg1:= CreateEllipticRgn(0, 0, Diametre, Diametre); LupeForm.HasBorder := False; // Скрываем бордюр SetWindowRgn(LupeForm.GetWindowHandle , hReg1, TRUE);
Run(LupeForm); end.
program Lupe;
uses Windows, KOL, messages;
type TBig = array[0..0] of Integer;
var LupeForm: PControl; Diametre: Integer; StartPos: TPoint; Moving: Boolean; DC, BmpDC:hDC; BgScrBt, BgBmp: PBitmap; hReg1: HRgn; BgBmpPointer: Pointer;
function GetDIBPointer(BitMap: PBitmap):Pointer; var BInfo: TBitmapInfo; begin BInfo.bmiHeader.biSize := sizeof(BitmapInfo); BInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth := BitMap.Width; BInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight := -BitMap.Height; BInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1; BInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 32; BInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB; BitMap.Handle:=CreateDIBSection(BitMap.Handle, BInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, Result, 0, 0); end;
procedure ScreenCopy(); var W,H: integer; begin W:= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); H:= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); BgScrBt := NewBitmap( W, H ); BitBlt(BgScrBt.canvas.Handle, 0,0, W, H, GetDC(0), 0, 0, SRCCOPY); BgBmp:= NewBitmap(Diametre, Diametre); BgBmpPointer := GetDIBPointer(BgBmp); end;
function LupeWndProc(Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var pt: TPoint;
x,y,R,G,B: integer; begin Result:=False; case Msg.message of WM_CREATE: begin ScreenCopy; DC:=GetDC(LupeForm.Handle); end; WM_LBUTTONDOWN: begin GetCursorPos(pt); Moving:=True; Sender.Caption:='Moving'; StartPos.X:=pt.x-Sender.Left; StartPos.Y:=pt.Y-Sender.Top; SetCapture(Sender.Handle); end; WM_LBUTTONUP: begin Moving:=False; Sender.Caption:='Lupe'; ReleaseCapture(); end; WM_MOUSEMOVE: if Moving then begin GetCursorPos(pt); SetWindowPos(Sender.Handle,0, pt.X-StartPos.X, pt.Y-StartPos.Y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE {or SWP_NOREDRAW}); end; WM_ERASEBKGND: begin //StretchBlt(BgBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Diametre, Diametre, BgScrBt.Canvas.Handle, Sender.Left, Sender.Top, Diametre div 2, Diametre div 2, SRCCOPY); BitBlt(BgBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0,0, Sender.Width, Sender.Height, BgScrBt.Canvas.Handle, Sender.Left, Sender.Top, SRCCOPY); for y:=0 to Diametre -2 do for x:=0 to Diametre -2 do begin R:=(GetRValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x + y * Diametre]) + GetRValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+1 + (y+1) * Diametre]) + GetRValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+ (y+1) * Diametre]) + GetRValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+1 +y * Diametre])) div 4; G:=(GetGValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x + y * Diametre]) + GetGValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+1 + (y+1) * Diametre]) + GetGValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+ (y+1) * Diametre]) + GetGValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+1 +y * Diametre])) div 4; B:=(GetBValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x + y * Diametre]) + GetBValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+1 + (y+1) * Diametre]) + GetBValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+ (y+1) * Diametre]) + GetBValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+1 +y * Diametre])) div 4; if R>254 then R:=254; if G>254 then G:=254; if B>254 then B:=254; if R<0 then R:=0; if G<0 then B:=0; if B<0 then B:=0; TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x + y * Diametre] := RGB(R,G,B); end; BitBlt(DC, 0,0, Sender.Width, Sender.Height, BgBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); Result:=True; end; WM_PAINT: begin Result:=True; end; end; end;
begin Diametre:=300; LupeForm:=NewForm(Applet, 'Lupe').Size(Diametre, Diametre); LupeForm.AttachProc(@LupeWndProc); hReg1:= CreateEllipticRgn(0, 0, Diametre, Diametre); LupeForm.HasBorder := False; // Скрываем бордюр SetWindowRgn(LupeForm.GetWindowHandle , hReg1, TRUE);
Run(LupeForm); end.
Глубокое размытие
program Lupe;
uses Windows, KOL, messages;
type TBig = array[0..0] of Integer;
var LupeForm: PControl; Diametre: Integer; StartPos: TPoint; Moving: Boolean; DC, BmpDC:hDC; BgScrBt, BgBmp: PBitmap; hReg1: HRgn; BgBmpPointer: Pointer;
function GetDIBPointer(BitMap: PBitmap):Pointer; var BInfo: TBitmapInfo; begin BInfo.bmiHeader.biSize := sizeof(BitmapInfo); BInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth := BitMap.Width; BInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight := -BitMap.Height; BInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1; BInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 32; BInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB; BitMap.Handle:=CreateDIBSection(BitMap.Handle, BInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, Result, 0, 0); end;
procedure ScreenCopy(); var W,H: integer; begin W:= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); H:= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); BgScrBt := NewBitmap( W, H ); BitBlt(BgScrBt.canvas.Handle, 0,0, W, H, GetDC(0), 0, 0, SRCCOPY); BgBmp:= NewBitmap(Diametre, Diametre); BgBmpPointer := GetDIBPointer(BgBmp); end;
function LupeWndProc(Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var pt: TPoint;
i, x,y,R,G,B: integer; begin Result:=False; case Msg.message of WM_CREATE: begin ScreenCopy; DC:=GetDC(LupeForm.Handle); end; WM_LBUTTONDOWN: begin GetCursorPos(pt); Moving:=True; Sender.Caption:='Moving'; StartPos.X:=pt.x-Sender.Left; StartPos.Y:=pt.Y-Sender.Top; SetCapture(Sender.Handle); end; WM_LBUTTONUP: begin Moving:=False; Sender.Caption:='Lupe'; ReleaseCapture(); end; WM_MOUSEMOVE: if Moving then begin GetCursorPos(pt); SetWindowPos(Sender.Handle,0, pt.X-StartPos.X, pt.Y-StartPos.Y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE {or SWP_NOREDRAW}); end; WM_ERASEBKGND: begin //StretchBlt(BgBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Diametre, Diametre, BgScrBt.Canvas.Handle, Sender.Left, Sender.Top, Diametre div 2, Diametre div 2, SRCCOPY); BitBlt(BgBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0,0, Sender.Width, Sender.Height, BgScrBt.Canvas.Handle, Sender.Left, Sender.Top, SRCCOPY); for i:=1 to 5 do //Глубина размытия. Повторяем усреднение соседних пикселей несколько раз. Чем больше тем глубже. Но тормознее for y:=0 to Diametre -2 do for x:=0 to Diametre -2 do begin R:=(GetRValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x + y * Diametre]) + GetRValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+1 + (y+1) * Diametre]) + GetRValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+ (y+1) * Diametre]) + GetRValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+1 +y * Diametre])) div 4; G:=(GetGValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x + y * Diametre]) + GetGValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+1 + (y+1) * Diametre]) + GetGValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+ (y+1) * Diametre]) + GetGValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+1 +y * Diametre])) div 4; B:=(GetBValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x + y * Diametre]) + GetBValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+1 + (y+1) * Diametre]) + GetBValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+ (y+1) * Diametre]) + GetBValue(TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x+1 +y * Diametre])) div 4; if R>254 then R:=254; if G>254 then G:=254; if B>254 then B:=254; if R<0 then R:=0; if G<0 then B:=0; if B<0 then B:=0; TBig(BgBmpPointer^)[x + y * Diametre] := RGB(R,G,B); end;
BitBlt(DC, 0,0, Sender.Width, Sender.Height, BgBmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); Result:=True; end; WM_PAINT: begin Result:=True; end; end; end;
begin Diametre:=300; LupeForm:=NewForm(Applet, 'Lupe').Size(Diametre, Diametre); LupeForm.AttachProc(@LupeWndProc); hReg1:= CreateEllipticRgn(0, 0, Diametre, Diametre); LupeForm.HasBorder := False; // Скрываем бордюр SetWindowRgn(LupeForm.GetWindowHandle , hReg1, TRUE);
Run(LupeForm); end.
Удалено модератором