When I try to run a KOL/MCK project on Delphi 2010, I get the above error. What can I do to fix it ? I tried finding all files, but they don't exist in my PC.
Thanks !
Delphi 2010, Windows Vista
Ahh, full build (Build All) worked, and now I can run without any problems ! Thanks !
Using the latest build on site, 2.94.
Is there any way we can use visual_xp_styles.inc in the apps ? Seeing as it's included with KOL, I figured it could make the controls a bit prettier.
You have to add the following conditional define: GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLESFrom KOL.pas
Following conditional symbols can be used in a project (Project | Options | Directories/Conditional Defines) to change code generated a bit. There are following:
GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES - to use XP themed Visual styles for drawing graphic controls. This does not affect windowed controls which visual style is controlled by the manifest. This option also turns on RICHEDIT_XPBORDER option.
Thanks a lot Jon !
Maybe it's my Delphi version (2010), but setting that conditional statement (or even using {$DEFINE GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES}) doesn't do anything. I achieved what I wanted with the MHXP Addon available in the download page.
Thanks again for your help !
Yes, using a manifest is one solution if the target system is using themes. Maybe I should have been more specific: If you are working with MCK then try this:
- Create a new KOL-MCK project - Add the following conditional defines: GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES;USE_GRAPHCTLS; - Do a build - Add a couple of KOL buttons - For one of them set the property: Windowed = True - Compile and run to see the difference