There is a label and an editbox.
How do I add a mnemonic to the label? Label.Caption := '&Test'; This does not produce an underlined T.
How do I link the label mnemonic to activate the exitbox?
I can see, this work in design time but doesn't work in runtime. I already ran into it, seems it work really for menus, buttons, checkboxes:
function SupportMnemonics: PControl; {* This method provides supporting mnemonic keys in menus, buttons, checkboxes, toolbar buttons. }
Thanks. I do use SupportMnemonics but I cannot get it to work as needed with the label/editbox. What would be good is a component like the VCL's TLabeledEdit. Has anyone been able to create such a component?
Sorry, I dont have enought experience/time for it, but I would happy if someone write something like this ))
OK - I shall continue testing to try to create a component. But why using Label.Caption := '&Test' does not produce an underlined T - is it possible?
I found that I can create underlined letters by changing the label style:
Label := NewLabel(Applet,'&Test');
Label.Style := Label.Style and not SS_NOPREFIX;
Now I just need it to accept the mnemonic ie ALT+Letter...
Wow! as it turned out, it's quite simply! :) We can hardly wait for new component!