this is the code i use to create the menus
treemenu := NewMenu(channeltree, 0, [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'Clear Hotkeys'], treemenuproc); channeltree.SetAutoPopupMenu(treemenu); traymenu := NewMenu(nil, 0, [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'Clear Hotkeys'], traymenuproc); Tray.PopupMenu := traymenu.Handle;
Tray is a BAPTrayIcon channeltree is a treeview
the problem is, if i create those 2 menus i receive an application error when add items to my treeview
if i don't create the tray menu the chanelltree it works nice, and if i don't create the channeltree menu the traymenu works nice
... i already tried several things, but to keep my treeview working i can't create more than 1 menu =\.
any idea of what is wrong?
Thanks, Arthur.
obs: sorry my english, i'm from brazil.
please help =\
Here is a complete example using KOL only:
program Test;
Windows, Messages, KOL;
MainForm, Treeview: PControl;
TreeMenu, TrayMenu: PMenu;
TrayIcon: PTrayIcon;
procedure TrayIconMouse(Dummy: PControl; Sender: PObj; WMessage: Word);
Point: TPoint;
if WMessage = WM_LBUTTONDOWN then
Applet := NewApplet('Test');
MainForm := NewForm(Applet,Applet.Caption).SetSize(320,240);
TreeView := NewTreeView(MainForm,[],nil,nil).SetAlign(caClient);
TreeMenu := NewMenu(TreeView,0,[' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','Clear Hotkeys'],nil);
TrayIcon := NewTrayIcon(Applet,LoadIcon(0,IDI_INFORMATION));
TrayIcon.Active := True;
TrayIcon.OnMouse := TOnTrayIconMouse(MakeMethod(nil,@TrayIconMouse));
TrayMenu := NewMenu(MainForm,0,[' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','Clear Hotkeys'],nil);
The important line is NewMenu(MainForm,0,[''],nil);
it works, =D Thanks!!!
NewMenu(MainForm,0,[''],nil); is the really important
i just added it before creating the other menus everything is working nice now =D
You're welcome - happy to know that it worked. Note: it is necessary only if MainForm does not have a main menu.
just another question, is there a problem if i create the tray popup menu with MainForm as Parent (like in your example) ?
There should be no problem if you do not destroy MainForm. My example is based upon what MCK would create. If you want to, you could use Applet as the parent:
TrayMenu := NewMenu(Applet,0,[' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','Clear Hotkeys'],nil);
come on these menus are very problematic,
if i try,
> //# MENUS > NewMenu(Form, 0, [''], nil); > > treemenu := NewMenu(channeltree, 0, [' ', ' ', ' ', ' > ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'Clear Hotkeys'], > treemenuproc); > channeltree.SetAutoPopupMenu(treemenu); > > traymenu := NewMenu(Form, 0, ['Radios', '(', ' ', ' ', > ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ')', > 'About', 'Exit'], traymenuproc); > Tray.PopupMenu := traymenu.Handle;
app crashes when adding items to channeltree, but if i create the the traymenu with less items it works!?, what's wrong now?
Your code works for me. Maybe the problem is with "traymenuproc" - try using "nil" to test. Or show us more of your code.
[OT] Seems like you are updating 1ClickMusic - I have v1.8.0 - would like update when done ;-)
i tried with nil parameters, but app still crashes =\\
this is the problem, there is no more code
that code is on form.create event before those lines i only init DirectSound and register some hotkeys and after i start to add things to the treeview "channeltree" and on the first node to the tree the app crash saying about an AcessViolation..
i'm running out of options, i'm trying to add this menu for 1~2 months but could not make it work, the exactly same thing happen if i try to use MCK popupmenu
=> i almost have a heart attack now, how do you know about my app? Where did u heard about it =D ?
I really cannot find a problem. Here is my example updated:
program Test;
Windows, Messages, KOL;
MainForm, Treeview: PControl;
TreeMenu, TrayMenu: PMenu;
TrayIcon: PTrayIcon;
procedure TrayIconMouse(Dummy: PControl; Sender: PObj; WMessage: Word);
Point: TPoint;
if WMessage = WM_LBUTTONDOWN then
procedure MenuItemClick(Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PMenu; Item: Integer);
Treeview.TVInsert(TVI_ROOT,0,Format('[%s] %u: %s',[Time2StrFmt('',Now),Item,Sender.ItemText[Item]]));
Applet := NewApplet('Test');
MainForm := NewForm(Applet,Applet.Caption).SetSize(320,240);
TreeView := NewTreeView(MainForm,[],nil,nil).SetAlign(caClient);
TreeMenu := NewMenu(TreeView,0,[' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','Clear Hotkeys'],TOnMenuItem(MakeMethod(nil,@MenuItemClick)));
TrayIcon := NewTrayIcon(Applet,LoadIcon(0,IDI_INFORMATION));
TrayIcon.Active := True;
TrayIcon.OnMouse := TOnTrayIconMouse(MakeMethod(nil,@TrayIconMouse));
TrayMenu := NewMenu(MainForm,0,['Radios','(',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',')','About','Exit'],TOnMenuItem(MakeMethod(nil,@MenuItemClick)));
I have added an event handler for the menus. Clicking any menu item adds items to the treeview. KOL only - it works fine - are you using MCK? => No need for heart attack - I have helped you before at delphifusion.com
=> oh, at delpifusion =]
i'm using mck, but i think i will have to rewrite all this shit in kol to see if i can make it work
Why? I believe that MCK works well. Are you using the latest version? Maybe it is just BAPTrayIcon or other components that you use. No need to start again from scratch.
yes, kol and mck are up to date, i already tried to use KOLTrayIcon instead of BapTrayIcon, but the problems stills the same
Well, I don't know what to suggest without seeing more code :-(
procedure TForm1.KOLForm1FormCreate(Sender: PObj);
appwinHANDLE := form.Handle;
DS := TDSoutput.Create(appwinHANDLE);
ITRAY := LoadIcon(HInstance, 'TRAY'); ITrayBlue := LoadIcon(HInstance, 'TRAYBLUE');
ITrayGreen := LoadIcon(HInstance, 'TRAYGREEN');
ITrayRed := LoadIcon(HInstance, 'TRAYRED');
Tray.Icon := ITRAY;
Tray.Active := True;
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 2, MOD_CONTROL, VK_UP);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, -2, MOD_CONTROL, VK_DOWN);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 1003, MOD_CONTROL, VK_END);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 1004, MOD_CONTROL, VK_HOME);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 2001, MOD_CONTROL, VK_F1);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 2002, MOD_CONTROL, VK_F2);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 2003, MOD_CONTROL, VK_F3);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 2004, MOD_CONTROL, VK_F4);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 2005, MOD_CONTROL, VK_F5);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 2006, MOD_CONTROL, VK_F6);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 2007, MOD_CONTROL, VK_F7);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 2008, MOD_CONTROL, VK_F8);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 2009, MOD_CONTROL, VK_F9);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 2010, MOD_CONTROL, VK_F10);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 2011, MOD_CONTROL, VK_F11);
RegisterHotKey(appwinHANDLE, 2012, MOD_CONTROL, VK_F12);
NewMenu(Form, 0, [''], nil);
traymenu := NewMenu(Form, 0, ['Radios', '(', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ')', 'About','Exit'], nil);
treemenu := NewMenu(channeltree, 0, [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'Clear Hotkeys'], treemenuproc);
Radiolist := TRadioList.Create;
LoadDb(channeltree, radiolist);
LoadCustomDb(channeltree, radiolist, 'c:/userradios.txt');
LoadCustomDb(channeltree, radiolist, 'userradios.txt');
channeltree.TVSelected := channeltree.TVRoot;
channeltree.TVExpand(channeltree.TVRoot, TVE_COLLAPSE);
if firstrun_enabled then showaboutbox;
mck unit1.inc
procedure NewForm1( var Result: PForm1; AParent: PControl );
Result := PForm1.Create;
New( Result, Create );
Result.Form := NewForm( AParent, '1ClickMusic' ).SetPosition( 418, 432 );
Applet := Result.Form;
Result.Form.Add2AutoFree( Result );
Result.Form.SetName( Applet, 'Form1' );
Result.Form.Style := Result.Form.Style and not WS_MAXIMIZEBOX;
Result.Form.SetClientSize( 619, 278 );
Result.Form.IconLoad( hInstance, 'MAINICON' );
Result.Form.Font.FontName := 'MS Sans Serif';
Result.Form.Font.FontPitch := fpFixed;
Result.Form.OnMessage := Result.KOLForm1Message;
Result.Form.OnDestroy := Result.KOLForm1Destroy;
Result.Tray := NewBAPTrayIcon(Applet);
Result.Tray.SetName( Result.Form, 'Tray' );
Result.Form.Add2AutoFree( Result.Tray );
Result.Tray.OnMouseUp := Result.TrayMouseUp;
Result.lblbuffer := NewLabel( Result.Form, '' ).SetPosition( 553, 112 ).SetSize( 57, 40 );
Result.lblbuffer.SetName( Result.Form, 'lblbuffer' );
Result.lblbuffer.Font.Color := TColor(clBlue);
Result.lblbuffer.Font.FontCharset := 0;
Result.lblbuffer.TextAlign := KOL.taRight;
Result.lblhelp := NewLabel( Result.Form, 'Hotkeys:'+#13+#10+' CTRL + UP : raise volume'+#13+#10+' CTRL + Down : decrease volume'+#13+#10+' CTRL + END : Stop'+#13+#10+' CTRL + HOME : Play'+#13+#10+' CTRL + (F1..F12) : Hotkey for Channels'+#13+#10+#13+#10+'!! Right click on a channel to bind it for a hotkey'+#13+#10+'!! Left or Right click on TrayIcon to Hide/Show' ).SetPosition( 241, 136 ).SetSize( 272, 137 );
Result.lblhelp.SetName( Result.Form, 'lblhelp' );
Result.lblhelp.Font.Color := TColor(clMaroon);
Result.lblhelp.Font.FontHeight := 15;
Result.lblhelp.Font.FontName := 'Arial';
Result.lblhelp.Font.FontPitch := fpDefault;
Result.lblradio := NewLabel( Result.Form, '' ).SetPosition( 245, 74 ).SetSize( 212, 0 );
Result.lblradio.SetName( Result.Form, 'lblradio' );
Result.lblradio.Font.Color := TColor(clPurple);
Result.lblradio.Font.FontCharset := 0;
Result.lblstatus := NewLabel( Result.Form, '' ).SetPosition( 480, 75 ).SetSize( 130, 17 );
Result.lblstatus.SetName( Result.Form, 'lblstatus' );
Result.lblstatus.Font.Color := TColor(clDefault);
Result.lblstatus.Font.FontCharset := 0;
Result.lblstatus.TextAlign := KOL.taRight;
Result.lblstatus.IgnoreDefault := TRUE;
Result.lbltrack := NewLabel( Result.Form, '' ).SetPosition( 242, 8 ).SetSize( 366, 57 );
Result.lbltrack.SetName( Result.Form, 'lbltrack' );
Result.lbltrack.Font.Color := TColor(clTeal);
Result.lbltrack.Font.FontStyle := [ fsBold ];
Result.lbltrack.Font.FontName := 'Times New Roman';
Result.lbltrack.Font.FontCharset := 0;
Result.lbltrack.TextAlign := KOL.taCenter;
Result.channeltree := NewTreeView( Result.Form, [ tvoLinesRoot, tvoNoTooltips, tvoTrackSelect, tvoSingleExpand ], nil, nil ).SetAlign ( caLeft ).SetSize( 231, 0 );
Result.channeltree.SetName( Result.Form, 'channeltree' );
Result.channeltree.Font.Color := TColor(clBlack);
Result.btoptions := NewButton( Result.Form, 'Options' ).SetPosition( 536, 248 ).SetSize( 76, 0 ).LikeSpeedButton;
Result.btoptions.SetName( Result.Form, 'btoptions' );
Result.btoptions.Font.FontStyle := [ fsBold ];
Result.btoptions.Style := Result.btoptions.Style or BS_FLAT;
Result.btplay := NewButton( Result.Form, 'Play' ).SetPosition( 536, 216 ).SetSize( 76, 0 ).LikeSpeedButton;
Result.btplay.SetName( Result.Form, 'btplay' );
Result.btplay.Font.FontStyle := [ fsBold ];
Result.btplay.Style := Result.btplay.Style or BS_FLAT;
Result.pgrbuffer := NewProgressBarEx( Result.Form, [ pboSmooth ] ).SetPosition( 536, 93 ).SetSize( 74, 18 );
Result.pgrbuffer.SetName( Result.Form, 'pgrbuffer' );
Result.pgrbuffer.Visible := False;
Result.pgrbuffer.Color := TColor($E39C5A);
Result.pgrbuffer.ProgressColor := clBtnFace;
Result.channeltree.OnMouseUp := Result.channeltreeMouseUp;
Result.channeltree.OnSelChange := Result.channeltreeSelChange;
Result.channeltree.OnTVSelChanging := Result.channeltreeTVSelChanging;
OverrideScrollbars( Result.channeltree);
Result.btoptions.OnClick := Result.btoptionsClick;
Result.btplay.OnClick := Result.btplayClick;
Result.Form.CenterOnParent.CanResize := False;
Result.Form.Perform( WM_INITMENU, 0, 0 );
Result.KOLForm1FormCreate( Result );
end; app crashes inside LoadDb(); that is the function where i add nodes to the treeview "channeltree"
OK, I had a quick look...
Radiolist := TRadioList.Create;
What is TRadioList? Is it a StringList? In which case it should be:
Radiolist: PStrList;
Radiolist := NewStrList;
There is still a lot of vital code missing. Like, what is DS, LoadDB, etc, etc. Can you zip up your project code and email it?
TRadioList is a kind of "list" that i coded, it's not a KolList, it stores the radio names and links and they correspondent node handles on the channeltree. LoadDB takes 2 params, 1 is the treeview, the other is the RadioList, it parse some data on the memory (radios names and links) and add it to both treeview and RadioList LoadCustomDb makes the same, but they parse a text file instead procedure LoadDb(const TV: PControl; const List: TRadioList);
i, n: Integer;
Parent: Cardinal;
Src: PByte;
sChn: string;
function ReadInt8(): Byte;
Result := Src^;
function ReadString: string;
l: Byte;
l := Src^;
SetLength(Result, l);
Move(Src^, PChar(Result)^, l);
Inc(Src, l);
Src := @dbdata;
for n := 1 to ReadInt8() do begin
Parent := TV.TVInsert(0, 0, ReadString());
for i := 1 to ReadInt8() do begin
sChn := ReadString();
TV.TVInsert(Parent, 0, sChn),
If there is an error in dbdata (I assume it's a file) then the values that you read may be corrupted. Do you have a method for validating its consistency?
Also, with the new unicode capabilities of KOL, I would use AnsiString instead of String for compatability.
creating one extr menu can't corrupt a file =p
I used MCK with BAPTrayIcon to create a project to your original specification. Form, treeview+popup, trayicon+popup - all work fine with no modifications. The link below contains the source files and compiled executable. Download link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QHIXT875
=o it works, so there must be something wrong with my mck stuff, cuz even using mck menu's i get the error
tomorrow i will try reinstalling kol and mck and starting a fresh mck project and add my old code to it, maybe it work, who knows =p
thanks for you time.
> =o it works
I wish that I had done that in the first place... ;-)
Jon, after some intense debugging i discovered the problem, it was on my List.Add(), and i already solved it, but i still don't have any idea why it only happens when i create the other menu =p
There is something strange happening with MCK. Take a look at the file: Unit1_1.incIn the file that I created and sent previously, the order is:
Result.TrayMenu := NewMenu(....
Result.TrayIcon := NewBAPTrayIcon(Applet);
Result.TrayIcon.PopupMenu := Result.TrayMenu.Handle;
But when I re-open then re-compile it, the order becomes:
Result.TrayIcon := NewBAPTrayIcon(Applet);
Result.TrayIcon.PopupMenu := Result.TrayMenu.Handle;
Result.TrayMenu := NewMenu(....
So it tries to add the menu before the menu is created (Runtime Error)! The best way around this that I found is to manually edit Unit1_1.inc then compile with the command-line compiler DCC32.exe
Better solution - Do not add the popup menu with the MCK, but add it to the FormCreate event:
procedure TForm1.KOLForm1FormCreate(Sender: PObj);
TrayIcon.PopupMenu := TrayMenu.Handle;
Seems to work every time. I can send another test project if you like.
no need, i was setting it on formcreate before
thanks anyway
> but i still don't have any idea why it only happens when i create the other menu
Can you be more specific?