When I updated from 2.80 to 2.83 using the 3 upd I got an error from 2.81 to 2.82 about KOLAdd.pas not found.
I know it can happend if the file is not the one expected by .upd file, but as it was a fresh install I don't understand why I got this error.
As workaround I downloaded lastest KOLAdd 2.82 zip version.
You know that the latest KOLadd.pas always can be downloaded from the site separately. Reason of mismatch can be different. May be you downloaded newer version in a separate zip earlier, or changed it a bit. I remember that recently updated KOLadd.zip (but because of DirDialogEx.pas though may be I was replaced KOLadd.pas too).
It was a fresh unzip of 2.80 into an empty folder, then immediately I updated to 2.81/2.82/2.83 so that was the original untouched files.
As the KOLAdd.pas is available separately may be the downloaded one was not synchronized with the .upd file.
Actually if you download KOL 2.80 + actually available KOLAdd then it will not accept to be updated, may be because KOLAdd version is 2.82 and the .upd that would update is do a 2.81 to 2.82 update so excpected KOLAdd may be already up to date.
There's no problem with update from 2.80 to 2.83. Just delete *.old files in kol folder, every time before applying upd.
delete *.old ??? I never thought it could have an impact as updater.exe produce them but do not read them.